Tiraillé entre l’envie de se plaindre constamment comme un français et le devoir de reconnaissance vis-à-vis de toutes les belles opportunités que Dieu a placé sur mon modeste chemin, je me retrouve souvent confus et espéreux, anxieux et réconforté, triste et faux-semblant. Pour être honnête, je suis pris dans la tourmente. Et la seule bouffée d’oxygène qui me reste est la foi et l’espoir.
Non classé
La frustration de la jeunesse sénégalaise : Histoire, Conséquences et Solutions.

Tout d’abord, je ne me prétends pas d’avoir la solution à tous les problèmes ; moins encore de simplifier la situation actuelle du pays. Cependant, si vous voulez accompagner ce petit bonhomme dans sa quête de la vérité et de la logique, je vous exhorte de continuer à lire jusqu’au bout cet article. C’est avec une […]
La galère est garantie mais la réussite ne l’est pas (Partie 2 : Entrepreneuriat)

L’entrepreneuriat est devenu ces dernières années une alternative très courtisée par les jeunes mais aussi favorisée par les gouvernements africains. Néanmoins, dans un marché restreint et très limité comme le nôtre, il devient une bataille rude pour avoir sa part gâteau. Certains s’y lancent parce qu’ils veulent changer le monde avec un produit ou service […]
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Wine O’Clock: Per Aspera Ad Astra

These people aren’t assigned to us, but chosen by us—and isn’t that as worthy of celebration as any confluence of fate and genetics? These carefully selected families continue to grow throughout our lives without a ticking sociological to worry about.
10 words about my best vacation

Nowadays, a family is simply a network of people who care for each other. It can contain hundreds or two. You can be born into one or build your own. Membership can be gained through genetics, friendship, geographic proximity, work or a shared appreciation.
For friday night

In our current society, real family values have nothing to do with where we live or how we know each other—they’re about how we treat each other. Now there’s a concept worthy of a cheesy half hour of television.
A sense of space

Assuming you were both about the same size, you were able to easily balance on the seesaw. The following image appears to be in balance, with two equally sized people equally distant from the fulcrum on which the seesaw balances.
Exploring the New York

Ever wondered if your lack of artistic ability was due to your parents’ mathematical-minded genetics or their refusal to sign you up for after-school art classes? Or how your friend was a piano prodigy despite her dad barely being able to play a note?
Private Estate Wedding

Some believe that hereditary factors are responsible for one family producing generations of musical virtuosos, while others suggest that our cultural and environmental surroundings play a larger role than genetics.
Weekend with Friend

Human nature is a broad term that encompasses many qualities. Creativity is less a general or amorphous quality and more a very specific capacity to exercise a specific set of skills. Is everyone born with the potential to develop these skills?
Contemporary OutDoor Culture

It’s true that in some environments, the practice of creative skills isn’t encouraged and may be actively discouraged. In some places, schools may present such environments.If parents can provide more opportunities for this, that would help.
Photographer to Inspire: Andel Afamger

The literature on creativity suggests that there are at least a few personality traits that promote creative behavior, such as openness, a willingness to take risks and an ability to tolerate ambiguity and cope with novel situations.
Coconut coffee milk ice cream

They were both Chinese immigrants to America—my father was a mechanic and my mother took care of the family. They taught me to work hard, take opportunities, accept responsibility and eschew cowardice, less by explicit direction and more by implicit influenc
15 Things: My amazing places

People who have a difficult time differentiating one musical note from another may have a hard time singing on key. However, there are ways of overcoming or compensating for this. The plasticity of the brain is quite amazing.
My Bedside Table: The Curator

A balanced composition feels right. It feels stable and aesthetically pleasing. While some of its elements might be focal points and attract your eye, no one area of the composition draws your eye so much that you can’t see the other areas.